The subject of science plays an important role in developing well-defined abilities in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains in children. It augments the spirit of enquiry, creativity, objectivity and aesthetic sensibility. Upper primary stage demands that a number of opportunities should be provided to the students to engage them with the processes of science like observing, recording observations, drawing, tabulation, plotting graphs, etc., whereas the secondary stage also expects abstraction and quantitative reasoning to occupy a more central place in the teaching and learning of science. Thus, the idea of atoms and molecules being the building blocks of matter makes its appearance, as does Newton’s law of gravitation. while Science is still a common subject, the disciplines of Physics, Chemistry and Biology begin to emerge.

Mathematics helps us understand the world and provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor. Mathematical knowledge plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other school subjects such as science, social studies, and even music and art. Mathematics is a fundamental part of human thought and logic.
Mathematics is a powerful tool for global understanding and communication that organizes our lives and prevents chaos.
Mathematics helps us understand the world and provides an effective way of building mental discipline.
Mathematics encourages logical reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, abstract or spatial thinking, problem-solving ability, and even effective communication skills.

It is an integral component of general education because it helps the learners in understanding the environment in its totality. In addition to this, it also helps broaden your perspective and develop an empirical, reasonable and humane outlook. This is of crucial importance because it helps them grow into well-informed and responsible citizens with the necessary attributes and skills for being able to participate and contribute effectively to the process of development and nation-building. The Social Science curriculum draws its content mainly from History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. Some elements of Sociology and Commerce are also included.
Together they provide a comprehensive view of society over space and time, and about each other.
Each subject’s distinct methods of enquiry help the learners to understand society from different angles and form a holistic view.