The design of the facility typifies a neoteric credo that falls in line with BrianLoop’s principles and values. The clear and self-evident spatial structure maximizes the efficiency of day-to-day functioning. Each space has been formulated on factors that would best improve concentration, focus and comfort to aid the students’ learning process. Here Teacher-Student interaction is prioritized to ensure comprehensive collective learning from confusion to clarity.


The objective of any institution is to impart knowledge and provide guidance to its students. At BrainLoop, we strive to create an inclusive environment for our students where they feel safe and welcome at all times. We want students to develop a desire to come to the facility, and spend quality time here, learning and interacting with the faculty to gain valuable guidance.

The main objective of Brainloop is not just to train students but to provide them with a space which has a positive ambience that will make them want to learn more and think critically. At BrainLoop, we offer our students experiential education.

Students at BrainLoop are also given lessons on moral and ethical values in addition to regular school topics.


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At Brainloop, we have created a Zero Pressure Zone and ensure that all learning, doubt clearance, and revision happen here. The students can sit at the Learning Pods and carry on with their studies for hours. The Learning Pods help them study without any distractions. The students are free to use the pods any time, and for however long they want.

Apart from the studying and revisions, this is where the weekly tests happen too. The pods help the students attend the tests without any interruptions.


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Children spend the majority of their time at educational institutions, as education is a vital part of any child’s life.

Brainloop has state-of-the-art classrooms that are equipped with the latest technology where learning is interactive and fun. Students engage with the teachers sharing ideas and asking questions, making learning an interactive two-way process. 


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Apart from being highly qualified, the teaching faculty at BrainLoop are very accommodating and friendly, always ready to help and guide the students at all times.


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The doors to our directors’ cabin are always open to all. They are approachable and always accessible to all for guidance and support.

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